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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Teaching your child money habits for life

Be committed. "Like mastering a new language, developing athletic skills, or becoming a master musician, financial fluency requires time, practice, intention, the acquisition of financial language and values," says Joline Godfrey,who stresses the importance of being committed to your child's financial literacy. "This is a process, not an event, and parents who begin early find that good financial values and behavior are more deeply integrated into children's life skills and habits if they are as consistent and clear about their financial expectations as they are about brushing teeth and doing homework … Most parents understand that a couple of hours on the tennis court would not be enough to prepare a young person for competition. Similarly, a badly managed allowance and a few lectures on 'spending less' are not a financial education!"
Money does not grow on trees. Nor does it magically appear from ATMs. Children should learn from a very early age that they have to work to earn money. Ask them: "Do you know where money comes from?" If you go to the bank or withdraw money from an ATM, explain to your child that it is your money coming out of your bank account and that you worked for that money.
Provide a weekly allowance. Parents can pay their child a weekly allowance for completing household chores, whether it's doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, cleaning up their room, baby-sitting, or any other age-appropriate task. You can track chores or good behaviour on a chart, checking off what they accomplished that day. By week's end, you can pay them for their accomplishments. Divvy up the weekly allowance into different envelopes, such as "entertainment," "clothes," or "savings."
Show them your monthly bills. There's no need to get too granular with your personal finances, but showing your children bills such as mortgage, electricity, utility, cable, and car insurance helps them understand what it costs to run a household. You can even show them your banking statements. This will help them learn how deposits and withdrawals are made.
Go shopping together. The supermarket is a great way to show kids how to save money. You can use the items on your list and compare prices between products, to help children look out for less-expensive brands. For the little ones, use relatable items, such as chocolate chip cookies or milk.
Get a job, create a budget. Once your child turns Sweet Sixteen, require him or her to get a part-time job. The money earned can go toward things that they want, such as clothing, tech gadgets, or entertainment—but only if it falls within their budget. Your child may not have enough money to spend on an iPod because of, say, weekly transportation or car-related expenses.

Start a savings account. Get your kids into the habit of saving by starting a savings account, to which they contribute a set amount each week. Set realistic goals and work with them on how they are going to achieve the goals. The account will teach them to save regularly. And reviewing monthly bank statements will help them to understand the concept of interest accrual.
Develop their entrepreneurial spirit. Landing a job and making the most of it will allow your child to stand out from the pack. "Twenty-first century kids will approach careers with the notion of 'making a job; not just taking a job,'" says Godfrey. "With unemployment for teens and 20-somethings running well into the double digits, entrepreneurial skills and outlook will be a competitive advantage."

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